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Khasiat Madu

Khasiat Madu 5 Replies Aktifitas mengumpulkan madu konon sudah berlangsung sejak 10.000 tahun yang lalu. Bukti yang mengandung pendapat ini adalah temuan gambar pada dinding di sebuah gua di Valensia, Spanyol. Gambar tersebut memperlihatkan dua laki-laki menggunakan tangga yang terbuat dari sejenis rumput liar sedang meraih sarang lebah berisi madu. Pada awalnya, manusia lebih memanfaatkan madu sebagai makanan. Kemudian, pemakaian madu tidak lagi terbatas hanya dikonsumsi sebagai pemanis. Berikut Khasiat Madu 1. Madu untuk Sumber energi Pada masa lalu, para atlet Romawi dan Yunani kuno meminum madu sebelum dan sesudah bertanding sebagai obat untuk stamina dan pemulih energi. Selama berabad-abad madu memang dikenal sebagai bahan bakar para olahragawan ini karena madu mengandung gula yang cepat diserap oleh sistem pencernaan jadi madu adalah sumber energi instan. Hingga kini, dalam dunia olahraga madu diberikan sebelum pertandingan dan sebagai pengganti karbohidrat yan...


NAMA  : ERICA GUSTI DEVIANAWATI KELAS : 1EA01 NPM     : 13214599 SKILLS MANAGEMENT Skills management   is the practice of understanding, developing and deploying people and their   skills . Well-implemented skills management should identify the skills that job roles require, the skills of individual employees, and any gap between the two. The skills involved can be defined by the organization concerned, or by third party institutions. They are usually defined in terms of a skills framework, also known as a competency framework or skills matrix. This consists of a list of skills, and a grading system, with a definition of what it means to be at particular level for a given skill.          To be most useful, skills management must be an ongoing process, where individuals assess and update their recorded skill sets regularly. These updates should occur at least as frequently as employees' regular line manager review...

Tugas softskill bahasa inggris 2 yang pertama

    Nama                   : ERICA GUSTI DEVIANAWATI Kelas : 1EA01 NPM           : 13214599 My Experience atGunadarma University I’d like to tell you about my experience since becoming a student at GunadarmaUniversity , I’m so pround to be part of this Gunadarma University . All facilities in Gunadarma University here are very good . The toilets are clean and the class are comfortable too. But there are some things that are very unfortunate, namely the absence of an LCD projector although there is a manual LCD which using transparent paper so that we spend more money for our presentations and then there are someAC where the temperature is less cold . All lecturers here are highly experienced , I am familiar with is taught by lecturers , and the price for being a students in this gunadarma university is not expensive. For the ...